What Fabrication Techniques Are Used For Structural Steel?

Steel is a popular metal used to create structural supports for buildings of all sizes. Steel is extremely durable and is capable of resisting corrosion. In order to be transformed into usable components, raw steel must go through a fabrication process. There are three primary techniques used when fabricating structural steel. A working knowledge of these techniques will help you better utilize all the tools at your disposal when designing and using structural steel elements in the future. Read More 

Advice For Those Reviewing Reports From Dimensional Inspections

The act of comparing actual parts made to their original plans is known as a dimensional inspection. It's needed to make sure parts come out of manufacturing perfectly. Reports will come from these inspections, which you can effectively handle by taking these actions. Focus on Key Specs You need to focus on key aspects so that you make the most out of your time going through dimensional inspection reports once they're made available from a lab. Read More